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Fahrim (M) SDN BHD
Fahrim (M) SDN BHD is an importer, wholesaler & distributor of specialized apparel. The core items established by Fahrim in Malaysia are Denim Jeans, Ladies Shorts, Cargo Shorts, Sports Jersey’s, Polo Shirts, Leggings and Prayer Mats. Fahrim has contracted with Thrifty Comercio for manufacturing all items on an exclusive basis. Workman's jeans and fashion jeans are both available. The pattern, quality of fabric, stitching / finish is of similar or superior quality as in ‘High Fashion’ Jeans available in any market. We don’t manufacture for the ‘big boys’ as we are more geared towards an educated consumer rather than ‘name brand’ buyers. Workman’s Jeans are geared towards the low income communities who have to be frugal while looking for price and comparable product. All products can be manufactured with a name specified by the buyer. We offer quality check through our inspectors or through buyer’s specified agency i.e. SGS, or their own team. We look forward to your business!
Workman's, Apples, Scot,TXN
Workman's, Apples, Scot,TXN and your brand Jeans made to order. We aim to reach out to the buyers directly through schools, universities, unions, exhibitions etc. Our goal is to remove the middleman and reach out to the masses through our retail outlets that will promote our theory of marketing. ‘It’s within reach’ & ‘wear the best’ for less is what we believe. We don’t sell goods for profits only; we believe that affordability of quality product is everyone's right. We will not promote a symbol for others, that is for sure. We have a passion for perfection and we are well on our way.
Why you should buy from us is because 'we making dressing affordable'.
- Delivery up to 24 hours
- Stuff always protected
- Low prices
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